70 research outputs found

    Dichotomous decisions based on dichotomously scored items: a case study

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    In a course in elementary statistics for psychology students using criterion-referenced achievement tests, the total test score, based on dichotomously scored items, was used for classifying students into those who passed and those who failed. The score on a test is considered as depending on a latent variable; it is assumed that the students can be dichotomized into the categories "mastery" (with scores on the latent variable above a cutting score), and "no mastery" (with scores below the cutting score on the latent variable). Two problems are considered: (a) How many students are classified incorrectly? Using the binomial error model a procedure is described for computing the classification proportions: p(mastery, passed), p(mastery, failed), p(no mastery, passed), and p(no mastery, failed), (b) What is the optimal cutting score on a test? Using a loss function a procedure for computing the optimal curring score is described

    Data reconciliation of immersive heart inspection

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    IVUS images are complicated medical datasets suffering from some artifacts caused by the data acquisition method of immersive heart inspection. Data reconciliation, which removes tracing and tracking uncertainties of these datasets, is an important step for the medical application of remodeling the arteries in virtual reality to aid diagnosing and treating heart diseases. This paper provides an empirical data reconciliation method, which fuses the features of the coronary longitudinal movement with motion compensation model. It explains the distortion of the data set well and provides a method to analyze and reconcile the dataset

    Individual and organisational determinants of use of ergonomic devices in healthcare

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    (CS/IPC): 0.4%/2.7%, day 4 (2.1%/6.1%), day 7 (2.5%/7.9%), day 14 (4.7%/7.3%), and day 90 (1.0%/3.3%) from baseline (preoperative situation). On days 1, 4, and 7 there was a significant difference in leg circumference between the two treatment groups. Conclusions: Edema following femoropopliteal bypass surgery occurs in all patients. For the prevention and treatment of that edema the use of a class I CS proved superior to treatment with IPC. The use of CS remains the recommended practice following femoropopliteal bypass surgery

    Processes and coastal dynamics in the Ensenada de Marbella: recent morphosedimentary evolution

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    La Ensenada de Marbella ha experimentado en las últimas décadas cambios físicos y socio-económicos sustanciales debidos fundamentalmente a una transformación en el modelo económico y un desarrollo acusado del turismo residencial y todos los impactos en los usos del suelo relacionado con ello. Sin embargo, las causas de la alteración de la dinámica litoral también hay que buscarlas en cambios en la morfología del nearshore y en la dinámica sedimentaria. Para analizar la morfodinámica de la ensenada en varios escenarios temporales, simulaciones de oleaje sobre batimetrías del 1888 y actuales revelan cambios importantes en los patrones dispersión de la energía y el funcionamiento de la bahía a través de complejas células litorales de transporte. El análisis de los procesos dinámicos en la zona del nearshore y el estudio volumétrico a través de modelos de batimetrías secuenciales muestran como dichos cambios morfológicos de los fondos costeros pueden o no estar relacionados con cambios a largo plazo en la línea de costa, y por tanto ser co-responsables de los procesos de erosión y acreción acelerados evidentes a lo largo de la Ensenada

    Longitudinal Association Between Physical Activity and Frailty Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults

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    OBJECTIVES: To examine the longitudinal association between frequency of moderate physical activity (PA) and overall, physical, psychological, and social frailty among community-dwelling older adults older than 70 years. Second, we assessed the association between a 12-month change in frequency of moderate PA and frailty. DESIGN: Longitudinal cohort study. SETTING: Community settings in Spain, Greece, Croatia, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 1735 participants (61.1% female; mean age = 79.6 years; SD = 5.5 years). MEASUREMENTS: The frequency of self-reported moderate PA was measured and classified into two categories: “regular frequency” and “low frequency.” The 12-month change in frequency of moderate PA between baseline and follow-up was classified into four categories: “continued regular frequency,” “decreased frequency,” “continued low frequency,” and “increased frequency.” The 15-item Tilburg Frailty Indicato